Tithes and Offerings
Regular Giving: We encourage our congregation to commit to regular tithing as an expression of gratitude and obedience to God.
How to Give:
- In-Person: During Sunday services, you can place your offering in the designated collection plates.
- Online:
Bank of India, Warangal A/C No: 868110100003095 IFSC: BKID0008681
Special Offerings
Seasonal and Project-Based Giving: Throughout the year, we have opportunities for special offerings to support specific initiatives such as missions, community outreach, building projects, and more.
- Current Special Offering: New Church Building Construction
Designated Gifts
Supporting Specific Ministries: If you wish to support a specific ministry or project, you can make a designated gift. This helps fund initiatives like our children’s ministry, youth programs, or outreach efforts.
How to Designate Your Gift: Please indicate your preferred ministry on your offering envelope or when giving online.
Legacy Giving
Leaving a Lasting Impact: Consider leaving a legacy gift through your will or estate plan. This form of giving ensures that your values and faith continue to impact future generations.
To Learn More: Please call or email.